Saturday, October 18, 2008

V-Mr. RM

OK, I write this one with a little trepidation. But, it is a good story. I met Mr. RM at a church dance my freshman year of college. He got my number and asked me out. And, our first date was with married couple. It was a little odd because they took us to where the husband had proposed, and the wife pulled me aside and explained that while I might be young, if it was right, it was right. Remember, this was our first date.

For the second date, I cooked him dinner. I made chicken parmesan with ingredients I bought and stole from the school cafeteria (I was in the dorms, so I didn't have anything on hand). I even brought over our TV/VCR combo to watch movie because he didn't have a TV (or even a phone). It was a good date.

Bla bla bla, I cannot remember the next things, but one Sunday night he was over and asked me to be his exclusive girlfriend (that is what I wanted). I said yes, and then I said I needed to go to the bathroom. I instead ran down the hall to my best friend Jody's room to tell her. Really, I wasn't excited and rather wanted to throw up.

I told my best guy friend about us dating and he said I couldn't make it work for three weeks. We made a two dollar bet on it (keep this in mind for the end of the story).

We dated, it wasn't great. Why? Because we didn't talk as much as we should, but kissed a lot. It also, just wasn't right. So... we had a discussion and decided to step back. I asked if we should see other people and he said no.

So, the next weekend we aren't spending it together and so I call a mutual friend to see what they are up to, and Mr. RM answers the phone (remember this is pre-cell times). I am a little flabbergasted and just ask for the friend. Now, I love this friend for many reasons, but the number one is that he cannot lie!

We talk, I ask what they are up to, and he informs me that they are on a group date! Wow! The guy I am supposedly seeing exclusively, the one who said he did not want to see other people is out on date with another girl. And the best part? I really thought this girl was really really unattractive (I would actually use the word ugly).

Three weeks earlier we had been at family home evening playing a game and she was in my group, and I remember thinking "What would it be like to be that ugly?" She reminded me of the "big faced girl" that they always talked about on Wings. So, needless to say, that became her nickname.

So, I am fuming, and have church the next day. I ask my roommate Jenny to come with me to church because I cannot stand to go alone. Mr. RM sits next to me, and at one point actually tries to hold my hand! I pulled away and he stutters "uh, can I see the program." Then later he whispers, "we need to talk after church" and all I say is "yes, we do."

But, oh it gets better. At one point in the meeting, the big faced girl walks out upset, and he goes after her!!! Then, at the end of church, he tells me he needs to do his home teaching, and that we will have to meet later. I say OK, because I support magnifying our callings.

Then, I get a call from our friend, the one who cannot lie, asking if he can come and eat with Jenny and I at the cafeteria, because he had Mr. RM's meal card. I said he could. As we were walking there, I asked why he had the card and he informed me that Mr. RM was eating dinner with the big faced girl's family!!! Awesome!

I was obviously furious, and asked if they had kissed. He said, "In front of me?" I said, "OK" and he said "Yes!" I was really upset and splayed my arms out and accidentally hit him. At that point, he said I should just talk to Mr. RM.

So, a few hours later, Mr. RM shows up at my dorm for our little chat. I cannot remember all the details, but here are some of the amazing quotes from the break up.
Mr. RM- "I want to date you both exclusively"

Me-"You kissed her."
Mr. RM- "The Spirit told me I should."

OK, I am sorry, but I have kissed a couple people in my day, and never ever has the Spirit told me I should. I have liked guys and kissed them, I have lusted after guys and kissed them, I have even been guilted into kissing a guy, but never has the Spirit told me to do it.

All and all, we broke up. After a while we did become friends again and he is married with children. All is well that ends well.


Sara said...

best dating story ever- I want to date you both exclusively- awesome Megan! Did he marry ugly girl?

Tess said...

wait a sec? what happened with the $2?

alliehoopes said...

Hope the trepidation wasn't on my account....I'm all for Dork D stories :) I figure I had my moments I'll forever be embarassed of (only I'm hoping I was more like 15 and not 21), that's how I'm remembering it anyways. I'm glad you shared. I wonder what happened to face girl. Gotta admit, that one was a stumbling block. He never went after here again but I had to wonder..."he liked her? and he likes me? seriously?" Stuff like that. Glad you were on the list though. I'm okay with being compared to that :) I wonder if he'd even remember if I slipped one of those killer lines to him one day. Special. College was fun.