Saturday, October 4, 2008

Life is different in Cali. Part I- Virginity

Well, I keep telling people that life is different out here and now I am learning one way that it really really is. As of late, my virginity has been quite the topic of conversation. In Utah, I am not married, and Mormon, so the fact that A+B=C leads us to..... yes! I am a virgin. I thought nothing of it, nor did anyone else. But, maybe it is the fact that you can be tan year round, or maybe there are not as many Mormons, but no, A+B=C is not actually a pretty standard formula out here. But where is this all coming from?

OK, confession time. I now have a trainer at the gym to whip me back into shape. He is cute, he asks me out, cooks me dinner, etc. and we are not, I repeat, not dating. But, we have kissed. And because I guess somehow, the fact that I am Mormon and single and have kind of a not so boring life, people are interested in what happens. So, anyway.... as I tell the story to my friends and co-workers, I am met over and over again with the same looks of shock and question, "How did you kiss for two hours, and not have sex?" To which I simply respond that I am not married, so I am not having sex until then. Then even bigger looks of shock come. "What???" Then I get to explain it. Then comes the "Wow! I cannot believe how much self control you have." This has happened four times in the last week. Then the best, or most awkward part comes, I get to hear their stories. Wow is all I have to say.

I am also learning exactly how naive I truly am. The question of bases has come up, and sadly I did have to get clarification. I was pretty sure I knew, but wanted to make sure so I did not say something untrue. And just for the record, yes, I did know. Co-workers and friends have also teased my about things that I have blindly not noticed until they have said something. But, in my defense, I teach them a few great skills too. One, crossing your legs is an acceptable response, and two... you can make out for two hours and not have sex.

So, in the end, I am glad I am a virgin in California. I am glad that I get to fall in love, or lack thereof, without having to factor in the sex part. I am glad that I will never find myself living with a guy without a job just because he is "great." So there you go. California is different.

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